Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Poetry Writing Month Prompts~A Poem A Day Keeps the Doldrums Away! UPDATED

Poetry Writing Month Prompts:

Here are the prompts so far for our 30 days of poetry writing, which will culminate in a 10-poem chapbook (fancy word for poetry collection).

Remember: Poetry is about building your skills of observation, to really see, hear, and feel the world around you and then reflect those observations in lines that are rich with specific detail.

Some ways of responding we have discussed are included at the end of the prompt list.

Day 1: "Introduction to Poetry" by Billy Collins http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/176056

Day 2: “The Words They Sing” Prose Poem by Pablo Neruda

Day 3: Periods 1 & 2: Write a poem inspired by your Inquiry Project
Periods 3,5,6: Snapshot poem: Capture a small moment in time by “exploding the moment” and zooming in using sensory details (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, emotion)

Day 4: A STEMM-Inspired poem: use learning from a STEMM class to write a poem (Inspiration for this comes from a Eulogy to a Comet, featured on NPR: http://www.isoncampaign.org/karl/in-memoriam)

Day 5 & 6: Weekend poetry writing—your choice! Capture something using any of the devices we have reviewed or ways of responding.

Day 7: Spring-inspired poem: See “Early Spring” by Rainier Maria Rilke: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/early-spring/

Day 8: Periods 1 & 2: Snapshot poem (see Day 3 above)
Periods 3,5,6: Create-your-own-poem-prompt: Ms. Witham’s prompt: an “Inadequacy Poem”

Day 9: Periods 3,5,6: "Choose-Your-Own-Prompt" poem

Day 10: Periods 1 & 2: Gallery Walk-Inspired Poem (from notes you take on others' Inquiry Projects)
Periods 3,5,6: Inquiry Poem: List poem of questions and wonderings you have that might lead to your Inquiry Topic.

Day 11: Periods 1 & 2: Continue Gallery Walk-Inspired Poem (from notes you take on others' Inquiry Projects)
Periods 3,5,6: Rant Poem, inspired by "Kids Don't Play" spoken word poem

Days 12-20: Spring Break Poems--Any poems inspired by your "Literary Choose-Your-Own-Adventure"

Day 21: Random Autobiography of Spring Break: random collection of events and experiences from your break. 

Day 22: 22 Sounds Poem, Inspired by "22 Sounds of my Father": http://www.teenink.com/poetry/all/article/11644/The-22-Sounds-of-My-Father/
Your poem may be "sights" or "senses" of anyone, anything, or anywhere you want to show in clear, rich detail.

Day 23: Quote/Lyric inspired poem~Use an inspirational quote or favorite lyric to inspire a response poem.

Day 24: Period 1/2: Song-inspired poem: "Blue Jeans and White Tee-shirts"~Choose a line to inspire a poem.

Day 25: Period 1/2: Write a Villanelle to experiment with rhyme and repetition patterns.

Day 28: (Period 5,6) "I Love Poem"--Write in detail about a favorite hobby or place, using sensory detail and rich imagery to convey an "insider's" perspective. Each line starts with love and focuses on a different aspect of the topic.

Day 29: Voice poem, using inspiration from Langston Hughes's "Mother to Son"~http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/177021

Possible Responses to inspiration poems/prompts:
Imitate structure
Imitate a device (metaphor, repetition, rhyme pattern)
Have a conversation with the poem/poet
“Steal a line” (always use an attribution, i.e., “With thanks to Billy Collins for “Introduction to Poetry”
Call of Words
Use the title and create your unique twist on the topic
Write an ode (honorary poem, often to an everyday object)
Imitate the syntax (sentence/line structure)
List poem
Story poem
Snapshot poem

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