Thursday, February 12, 2015

Final Deadline for Missing Work from First Five Weeks

Bravo to all scholars who have kept up with work and deadlines early in the semester! You are helping yourself tremendously going forward. 

Any missing work from the first five weeks is due by Friday, 2/20. After that, missing work will be zeroed out. Thank you for understanding the importance of turning work in on time.

Most of all, please remember how essential communication with your teachers is.  We are all here to help students, and when you check in, let us know about special circumstances, or ask for clarification on challenging work, we can better help you. 

Please don't bury your head in the sand, ostrich-like, pretending that the work will just complete itself. 

If you haven't signed up for our Edmodo classroom, you are signing up for lots of missed opportunities for class credit!