Friday, January 30, 2015

Join our Edmodo Classroom!

Edmodo is an online classroom resource and app that allows our class to practice essential skills in writing and reading so that students are meeting Common Core standards and practicing the kinds of questions they will face when taking high-stakes testing.  

Homework: Please follow your period's link and enter the join code by Tuesday, 2/3

Period 1: Please follow this invite link: (code ye4e3d)

Period 2: Please follow this invite link: (code r7bahd)

Period 3: Please follow this invite link: (code spenxf)

Period 5: Please follow this invite link: (code afbpn3)

Period 6: Please follow this invite link: (code jz9vuj)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy New Year!

Welcome back, scholars!

All students must have an independent reading book by Wednesday, 1/14/15. Please bring your Writer's Notebook everyday.

First Homework:  For all classes, students are to write a postcard to themselves which contains:

* An inspiring quote (can be words of wisdom or song lyrics that capture some important idea for yourself right now)

* Things you want to let go of from the past (habits, challenges, fears) (At least three)

* Wisdom you are holding on to from break (At least three)

* Aspirations and plans to achieve them (At least three)

Put your name on the front and decorate creatively.

Postcards will be delivered in about 10 weeks.