Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Updates: Inquiry Projects, Educational Autobiographies, Theme Essays, and "Witham University"

Period 1 & 2:
Inquiry Projects:
Please see updated information under the period 1 & 2 tab.
Final projects are due Wednesday, April 9th

Thanks to all who have already turned in their Educational Autobiography Essays~several of you have been accepted to "Witham University" (see below) on the basis of your stellar work. Those of you who have been "wait listed," please revise to be considered for admission.

Witham University: An idyllic campus set in _______(your ideal location) _______, devoted to nurturing scholars in _______ (your courses of study) _______, while encouraging your passion for _______ (other artistic /athletic /creative /social justice pursuits) _______. We offer numerous scholarships, and proudly support students with opportunities for study abroad, activism, internships, and small learning environments where scholars will thrive. We look forward to your enrollment!

Period 3 & 5:
Education Autobiographies due typed, using MLA format, by Friday, March 28

**ALL Literature Circle work (Illustrated Annotations and Theme partner essays MUST be turned in Friday, March 28 for credit. Please return the Literature Circle book ASAP, and get it checked off by Ms. Witham

Period 6:
Theme Essay final drafts are due Tuesday, with extra credit offered for turning them in on Friday. Your final draft should be typed, using MLA format. Ms. Witham's computers are available at lunch and during class. 

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